Yesterday in Church, Kooper was playing Shapes on the iPod.... it's a game for toddlers... I have the old iPod that doesn't have the built in speaker like the 2nd generation iPod, so you can only hear if you have headphones plugged in. The game or whatever you want to call it, shows 3 shapes like a star, diamond and hexagon or a square, heart and rectangle then it says touch the heart but the words come up on the screen too. So we are sitting in Sacrament Meeting and Kooper is playing it and since I don't let him wear headphones he doesn't know what shape it says to touch so I usally read it to him but he didn't want me to read it to him so I just let him be... He's talking about this shape and that shape... he knows most of them he gets the hexagon and the pentagon mixed up... but I still do too... and I look over and hear him say "touch the heart" and he touches the heart... I'm thinking... pretty good guess right... then he says "touch the star" and touches the star... ok two times in a row... thats pretty cool... then he continues to say each shape that comes up on the screen... and i'm thinking.... wow! He's reading!!!! Then touch the hexagon showed up and he started touching all the shapes... but I was so impressed that he recognized the words!
I had just finished getting dinner ready and put it in the oven and Darin had just got home and was chaning his clothes, I had been watching a movie and decided to sit down and finish it and Darin and Kooper were in the Kitchen... Kooper was trying to sneak something out of the fridge I think... not sure... Darin was playing with him, so I wasn't really paying much attention. Then Darin asked me a question and we were talking and Kooper graps the handle on the fridge and starts climbing the fridge door!!!! We both started laughing and tried to quit long enough to tell him to get down, that we don't climb the appliances... to save it for the park! He is sometimes so fearless it's scary! Here is a video I took of Kooper at the park. He went down the slide but found it boring... It was much funner to climb up the slide than it was to go down it! He did this about 3 or 4 times.
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