Showing posts with label Learning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Learning. Show all posts

April 18, 2013

40 Day's 40 Nights General Conference Challenge

I came across this challenge on Facebook and I absolutely love it. I've already started this challenge, but thought I would share with anyone else that would be interested in doing it too.

The challenge was started on by LDS Spiritual Thoughts for Men. You can see his original post here. I wanted a version that was a little more printer friendly for myself, so I retyped it.

If you are interested in starting the challenge yourself. I have created a version with dates so you can start this Sunday if you want. Or if you would like to start the challenge or a group discussion today or at a later date, I have left one blank so you can fill it in yourself.

Enjoy the next 40 days!

Here are the links to download your own copy:
With Dates
Without Dates

February 25, 2011

Another Learning Tool

I have been working with Kooper on learning the days of the week, the months and the seasons of the year. He has been doing fairly well, but I have been wanting to get some type of teacher calendar to help him learn. While at Walmart, headed for the toy aisle as usual, we stopped to go potty first and as we turned the corner to start down the toy aisle and I saw this magnetic calendar out of the corner of my eye.

It has magnets to change out the seasons, months, year, days and even extras for holidays, birthdays and vacations.

Here is the front

Here is the back where you can store all the extra magnets

This is made by Melissa and Doug and I picked it up in the toy section by the wooden puzzles for $15.