I saw an idea for a Christmas Planner and I thought it was such a cute idea and figured it would be a cheap way for me to stay organized.
I am a little late getting it finished, but it is finally done
If you would like to make one of your own, let me know and I will email you the files and the instructions.
It was fairly cheap. I printed off all the paper on some cardstock I had on hand with my printer (you could also use scrapbook paper, I just made my own in Photoshop), bought a composition notebook at Wal-Mart for a little over a dollar, some scrap ribbon, rubber cement I had on hand, and bought some glue dots for the envelopes on the inside covers.
I will make another one for next year, but I will make a few small changes. I will use some double sided crafters tape rather than rubber cement, but it worked fine and it’s what I happened to have on hand.
Here is the front cover.
These are the following pages that I glued to a sheet. The tabs are in the following order:
The Budget
The List
Family Traditions
Décor Inventory
and Master To-Do List
The inside front cover. The coupon envelope and the budget worksheet.
It’s easier to make your list fit your budget than your budget to your list and by making an actual Christmas budget, you can eliminate a lot of financial stress from the holidays. This also helps you reign in those “splurge” and “it’s such a good deal” purchases that we seem to always “pay for” and regret later. They don’t seem to be such a good deal when they are charged to your card and you are paying minimum payments for X amount of months after Christmas only to find it cost you more than if you had just saved for it and paid cash for it without the sale or discounted price.
A look at the inside, gift list.
The back inside cover has a receipt envelope to help you keep track of the receipts so you can balance your checkbook and make any necessary returns a little easier on you.
The back.
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