January 5, 2012

100 Days Closer to Jesus Christ - Day 92

100 Days Closer to Jesus Christ
Book of Mormon Study
  Day 92
 Scripture Study: Ether  1-2
Scripture Mark and PonderEther 12:14
Scripture Thought of the Day: 
"I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped rfor and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith."
(Ether 12:6)
Thought of Day:
"Are you full of faith?  You can tell whether I am or not by looking at me.  You can tell whether the brethren who have been speaking to you are full of faith in the gospel by the look of their countenances.  You can see this  if there is not a word spoken?"
(Brigham Young)

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