November 20, 2009

We are finally moved!! We closed on the house on Thursday. I am so glad to be done. I love our new home and am so thankful for Darin and all that he does for us.

The move went quicker than I expected, but was still long and draining. We were up till midnight Wednesday loading the U-Haul then up at about 6am Thursday to finish loading the last of the furniture. We had so many little boxes. I wasn't able to find many boxes so we used a bunch of diaper and baby wipe boxes. They were small, but they got the job done.

We finally got to bed at midnight and we slept in until 7:30... it was so nice. Darin was able to get the day off so we didn't have to get up at 4:30 the extra 3 hours sleep was great and I know Darin was greatfull not to have to work a 14 hour day after a 18 hour day of movingg with only 4 and a half hours sleep.

We have a busy day tomorrow finishing unpacking what we didn't get unpacked today, then we have the TV people coming, a Baby shower and grocery shopping!

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